Critical Thinking: The Soul of Communication

From the excerpt, it mentions that even little misconceptions due to miscommunication have the potential to result in huge losses for the company. The passing of information could be interpreted differently from one to another, which causes a chain effect that could lead to a loss for the company. Since the first step to effective communication is to have a coherent thought process, employees being able to organize their thoughts efficiently is highly valued in the workplace. 

I agree that effective communication and critical thinking in the working environment is very cruicial. Critical thinking is the method we use to organize our thoughts. Employees being able to analyse information and actively communicate ideas is vital for a team to accomplish goals and progress, resulting in a more productive environment. Furthermore, the chain effect caused by miscommunication will be lessened. Being able to deliver and present information with a clarity of mind is fostered by critical thinking, and is something that I would try to cultivate.


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